Generally, the vaginal suppositories are designed to help provide the much desired relief from such conditions that happen to be affecting the female private parts.  Thanks to their rapidity in absorption, these suppositories happen to be quite fast acting when it comes to the need to get you the much needed relief from such conditions.

Read on in this guide and see some of the instances when you can make use of these suppositories and what you can expect from each use.

By and large, as for the best timing about the use of the suppositories, it would be so advisable to think of using them just before going to bed.  This is looking at the fact that in such a lying position while you sleep, you reduce the chances of leakage that would rather result if they were applied while sitting or standing.  In a bid to ensure the right dosage, it pays to think o using sanitary pads and not tampons while using the suppositories for your yeast infection treatment and this is for the fact that tampons often tend to absorb some of the medication.  In the same regard, it is often advisable to ensure that you are using the suppositories for as long as you were directed by your healthcare provider and never to stop even after you have seen the symptoms disappear.  Read on to see some of the uses that the vaginal suppositories can be used for.

Talking of the uses, suppositories can be used for the treatment of such cases or issues of fungal infections and vaginal dryness.  Added to this, there are the contraceptive suppositories that have been used by many as a form of birth control, see this site for more.

As for the length of time that it may take for you to see the results or effects of the treatments using suppositories, this is often varied and may take some time all depending on the purpose of the particular probiotic suppository you happen to be on.  Over and above this, it is to be noted that the size and the chemical formulation of the probiotic will as well determine the speed at which it will get to dissolve.

The suppositories can be used to treat vaginal infections.  Yeast infections on the private parts are as a result of the organism Candida albicans which as such gets these infections the other name, vaginal candidiasis.  When it comes to the treatment options, we have the natural suppositories and the over the counter, OTC, suppositories as well.  By and large, the natural suppositories like where we see the use of the boric acid suppositories happens to be such a sure alternative for the treatment of yeast infections that seem to not go away even after series of treatments and medications. For more information, click on this link: